Frequently asked questions.

What services do you offer?

We offer lessons and training, as well as a club for our smallest equine enthusiasts and Equine Assisted Therapy sessions with our licenced therapist!

What style do you train in?

We use Natural Horsemanship as a base for all that we do, mixed with some dressage and classical horsemanship, pulling elements from the Bedouin style training as well. As clients progress, we support our clients going whatever direction they’re interested in- English, western, jumper, dressage, cowboy dressage, western dressage, and liberty work. We keep the relationship and trust between the person and the horse at the forefront of all we do, and strive to create balanced partnerships.

Who do you teach?

Anyone and everyone who is ready to learn! We built this program to be as inclusive as possible. We accept students of all ages, skill levels, ethnicities, financial backgrounds, gender expressions, sexual orientations, and neurodivergence. We work actively to keep costs as low as possible to keep our program as accessible as we can, and frequently offer work trade opportunities.

Where do your horses come from?

We work primarily with rescue animals from our partner program, Chez Chevaux, but also occasionally work with private sellers or leases.

Where are you located?

12404 woods lake road, Monroe, WA

Do you rent horses for the day or do birthday parties?

No, we do not currently offer these services at this time.